Annual General Meeting

“That the amendment to Section 19.1 of the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia (Inc) Constitution, as circulated, be adopted.”


• remove the words ‘a Vice President’ and replace with ‘two (2) Vice Presidents’

As part of Federal Council’s ongoing strategic planning process, it has been agreed that steps should be taken to assist in streamlining the operation and the effectiveness of the Association. It is considered that an executive model which supports the inclusion of two Vice Presidents (rather than one) can support a more robust succession planning process and promote a more effective share of workload among the Federal Council team, in particular the Executive. It is envisaged that two Vice Presidents could undertake necessary responsibilities to oversee and manage different aspects of the strategic and operational activities of the Federal Council and support the current President while continuing to hold portfolios and contribute to the Council as a whole.

This recommendation has also been endorsed by two former Presidents of the organisation.  

As this change would add a new position to the Federal Council Executive, the following process applies:

If the nominations for the committee are less than capacity (9), the potential second Vice President would nominate as a committee member and then, once the Constitutional amendments have been accepted by the regulatory body, they would be co-opted into the Vice President role until the 2025 AGM. 

If, however, nominations for the committee is at capacity, the following process applies:  
1. There will be a call for nominations for the second Vice President role.
2. If elected, that person would be invited to council meetings as a guest in the interim period, without voting rights until the Constitutional changes are approved by the regulating body. Once approved, the second Vice President position will take effect.
3. If circumstances mean that at any time in the future, there is no nomination for the 2nd Vice President it does not mean that the organisation is unconstitutional as per the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA), the regulatory body which ICPA (Aust) is incorporated under.